GoogleScholar Page
Special Issue
Link: Gender in Slave and Post-Emancipation Societies
Online Article
Link: Église, État, et Esclavage : Les familles vendues comme « biens nationaux » à l’île de La Réunion pendant la Révolution française
Book Chapter
Link: Gender, Family, and Social Control: The Catholic Clergy and Slavery in the Eighteenth-Century Mascarenes
Book Chapter
Link: ‘Free and Naturalized Frenchwomen’: Gender and the Politics of Race on Revolution-Era Bourbon Island
Bibliographical Essay
Link: France and its Empire in the Indian Ocean
Journal Article
Link: The ‘Ambroise Affair’: White Women, Black Men, and the Limits of Métissage in Revolution-Era Réunion
Document Essay
Link: Instructions du Ministère de la Marine, concernant la tolérance envers l’islam et l’hindouisme dans les colonies françaises de l’Océan indien sous l’Ancien Régime
Book Chapter
Link: ‘A Thousand Prejudices’: French Habitants and Catholic Missionaries in the Making of the Old Northwest, 1795-1805